Meet Maria

My name is Maria, I am Portuguese and I am a certified Professional Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and an NLP Master.

I hold a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Porto and worked as a Geologist/geoscientist until 2015. I have two grown-up kids and I live in Stroud with my partner.

Although I really enjoyed my work and have amazing kids, I was always haunted by the spectre of depression. For more than twenty years the dark way of thinking would assault me more frequently and deeply than I would wish.

First suicide attempt at 27 … several weeks at the psychiatric hospital. My daughter was a year old. There was no much information about postpartum depression and my relationship with her father did not help. The second attempt at 41 – this time I just wanted to rest for a few days, but it went wrong, and I ended up in the hospital again.

In between, many hours, many years of suffering and despair. The idea of ​​suicide constantly surfaced, the desperation for not finding solutions, not seeing the future and just wanting to give up. And the weight, the huge weight on top of me, pulling me down, as if I were carrying all my “stupid past” on my shoulders. Looking back and just seeing mistakes, judging myself and my circumstances always negatively. Feeling that my life is ridiculous, stupid, unnecessary, and a burden.

I believed that peace was impossible. Guilt, shame, loneliness – total loneliness in a very dark place – inside.

I thank my children and my mother for their/my existence. They, and the certainty that I would do them terrible harm, kept me here, alive. My love for them kept me afloat. My love for them gave me life – and fortunately, a life that is now full of peace and joy.

When finally, I decided to get real help, my life changed. The support I needed all my life was there for me. Knowledge, empathy and some simple techniques gave me the power to transform my life.

I discovered in CBT and Hypnotherapy a new world … It helped me find the lasting peace that I always desired. A peace and joy I didn’t think were possible.

It was not a magic wand – I needed to work on myself and follow the teaching of my therapist. But it happened, gradually and steadily, things changed. I cannot put a value on the benefits of therapy.

It was then that I embarked on a long journey of learning about trauma, relationships and the cognitive and neuropsychological processes behind our behaviours and thoughts.

I wanted to give to others the same kind of support I received and help others who are dealing with the same problems. And during my training and my practice, I saw, with my own eyes, how knowledge and imagination can change people’s lives for the better.

I completed a Level 5 Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy at the United Kingdom College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, The Gottman Institute Level 2 Diploma and also CPD certifications with the Human Givens College, Aberdeen University, Auspiciun and Arizona Trauma Institute.

After qualifying as a Hypnotherapist, I completed a wide range of complementary training in the areas of Neuropsychology, Neurolinguistic Programming, Post-Traumatic Stress and Complex PTSD, and Brain Nutrition.

I confess that, at first, I was surprised by the results obtained. I have seen people with complex emotional problems improving, living balanced lives, believing in themselves and their ability to solve problems and achieve their goals.

There is no greater satisfaction than receiving messages from our clients, months or years later, telling how therapy has changed their lives. To see them leave the past in the past and flourish as human beings.

Because whenever I guide someone to adopt their own healing path and transform their relationships, I am not only helping one person; I am helping their children and their grandchildren, their friends and partners and the way they contribute to the society. . . and this spreads for generations.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact me anytime.

When you email me, only me will read it. It comes directly to me and I will personally reply to you. You can be assured of the confidentiality and safety of the process. I will try and answer as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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