• Stop smoking – Hypnotherapy will help you

    Cigarettes are coning you in a bad deal It is time to rebel I know, your granny smoked until she was 70 with no major problems. And many other people kept smoking until late in life. But the reality is that 1 in 2 people who smoke die from smoking. Look at your matte that is a smoker – one of you is going to die due to smoking complications. So, stop smoking will give you a better chance of living and living well. Imagine this scenario: Two friends, Andrew and Ben are chatting in the pub. A – My company is doing a trial for a new drug and…

  • Addiction – There is a wound driving your

    Loneliness, boredom, anxiety, trauma, meaninglessness, all make us vulnerable to addiction. They are not excuses; they are emotional signals that our emotional needs are not being met. Addictions served a purpose… the purpose of having some relief from pain. Something was missing and we thought this would be the answer. There is a wound driving your addiction Trauma is behind most addictions. Childhood adverse experiences change our bodies and brain, and we look for “self-medication” like alcohol or drugs or gambling, or work, or porn, or food, or shopping … anything that promises to smooth the emotional pain derived from the torments we have been through. It is an escapee…

  • Testimonials

    Some of my clients were generous (and courageous) enough to allow me to publish the testimonials of their journey during the REVIVE program. When they came, they were all desperate for a solution, not knowing what to expect and feeling quite down. They are now very proud of their achievements. Their commitment to the program was amazing and they achieved what they wanted – a heathy body and a heathy mind. Nothing can beat them now. Thank you, to all of you. Paula Harris From the very first session, I felt very welcome by Maria. It was funny and relaxing. Finding out my beliefs around food it was quite surprising.…

  • Changing habits

    Changing habits can be a challenging process, but there are several effective ways to go about it. Here are some of the best ways to change habits: Smart goals Set specific and realistic goals: Clearly define the habit you want to change and set specific and achievable goals. Break down the goal into small achievable steps, which can be accomplished easily. You need a goal but also know the necessary steps to achieve it. What is the cause? Understand the underlying causes: Try to identify the underlying causes of the habit you want to change. Knowing why you have the habit can help you create a plan to address it.…

  • Trauma symptoms and PTSD questionnaire

    PTSD – Post traumatic stress disorder is referred as a long-term reaction to trauma. The symptoms are unique, personal, and often painful. Trauma survivors may relieve their trauma through thoughts, feelings, memories, and othermeans. This may trigger uncomfortable emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness. The person will have several symptoms like: • Intense dreams• Flashbacks • Distressing thoughts and feelings about the trauma• Emotional distress or physical responses after experiencing a trauma reminder• Using drugs or alcohol to suppress uncomfortable thoughts and emotions• Avoidance of activities or places or people related to the trauma• Avoidance of conversations about the trauma• Excessive blame toward oneself or others related to the…

  • Trauma and Fight, Flight and Freeze response

    Have you experienced overly stressful events that still haunt you and distress you? You react, day after day, as if everything is happening again. The hormones from the stress spill over into your body – you sweat, your heart rate increases and you feel intense fear.  Fear overwhelms everything. And you get so angry with everything and everybody! You know it’s just a memory, but your brain and body react as if you are back to the original event. Do you start your day already with a baseline of high stress? Does this affect your life, prevent you from savouring the good times, and hold you back from pursuing your…

  • Do you know how your brain works? Understand your “emotional brain”

    Shame and prevents people from obtaining the help they need in what concerns mental health. Nobody is ashamed of having cancer, diabetes or cardiac diseases: Nobody should be ashamed of having depression, anxiety bipolar or other cerebral problems. If we see it as a medical problem, the stigma, shame e guilt will lose their power and can be replaced with compassion and hope. The thing here is that the brain is a very complex organ. It cannot be repaired by a single or even a set of medications. The neuro-connections in our brain result from years of experiences, conditioning, habits, physical problems, biochemistry, genetics, traumatic events, family interactions, intimate relationships,…